• Apr 12 Tue 2011 05:55
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  • Mar 22 Tue 2011 00:45
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Es ist nicht zu wenig Zeit, die wir haben, sondern es ist zu viel Zeit, die wir nicht nutzen.

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Moreover, Manjusri, there are sentient beings who are miserly, avaricious, envious, and jealous, praising themselves while disparaging others. They are bound to sink into the three wretched destinies, suffering intense misery for countless thousands of years. When this intense suffering comes to an end, they will be reborn in the world as oxen, horses, donkeys, or camels. Always afflicted with hunger and thirst, they are constantly beaten while carrying heavy loads on the road. If they are reborn as human beings, they will be among the poor and lowly, forever serving and belabored by others, enjoying no freedom. However, if any of them, in a former incarnation as a human being, have heard the name of the World Honored Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata, and as a result of this good cause, now remember and take refuge in him wholeheartedly, they will, thanks to this Buddha’s spiritual powers, be freed from all suffering. Their senses will be sharp and they will be learned and wise, constantly seeking the supreme teachings, and encounter good spiritual friends. They will forever break through Mara’s net, smash the shell of delusion, dry up the river of afflictions, and thus escape all the distress and suffering of birth, old age, illness, and death.


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Yet, if they should hear the name of the Medicine Buddha, they may abandon evil conduct, cultivate good deeds, and avoid descending into the wretched destinies. Even those who have descended into the wretched destinies because they cannot abandon evil practices nor cultivate good deeds, the marvelous power of the Medicine Buddha’s original vows may still enable them to hear his name momentarily, so that when their present lives end, they will be reborn in the human realm. They will obtain right views, be diligent, pursue right livelihood, and discipline their minds well and be joyful. They will then be able to abandon the home life to become monastics. They will uphold the precepts and regulations of the Tathagata without violation. With right views and extensive study, they will fathom the extremely profound meaning [of the Dharma], be free from arrogance, never disparage the true Dharma nor be companions to Mara (the demon). They will gradually cultivate the practices of bodhisattvas and swiftly perfect them.


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benjamin franklin  

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mischa maisky  

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The Buddha then told Bodhisattva Manjusri: “Manjusri, there are sentient beings who cannot tell right from wrong. They are greedy and miserly; they do not practice charity nor understand its rewards. They are short on wisdom and deep in ignorance. Lacking the root of faith, they amass riches, which they assiduously hoard. When they see those begging for alms, they become annoyed; when they have to give against their will, they feel as much pain and anguish as if they were parting with their own flesh. Moreover, there are also countless sentient beings who are miserly and avaricious. They amass wealth, yet do not even spend it on themselves, let alone on their parents, spouses, children, servants, slaves, or beggars. Upon their death, these people will descend into the realms of hungry ghosts or animals.

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chuck norris kanone


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Bruce Lee    

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successfull personality and duplicate it.

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Beethoven symphonies 5 and 7  

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The eighth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, if there are women who are extremely disgusted with the numerous feminine afflictions, and wish to abandon their female form, upon hearing my name, they will be reborn as men endowed with noble features, and eventually realize unsurpassed enlightenment.

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Vom Winde Verweht  

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John Lennon  

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  • Dec 07 Tue 2010 03:57


Haende 01

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John Barbirolli  

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Allen Midler  

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les animaux sociaux sont plus intelligents 


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Braveheart 深具 celtic 風格的電影配樂當時更進一步的建立了 James Horner 於好萊塢一流配樂大師的地位。該創作將電影的淒美、悲劇、殘暴與最終勝利詮釋得淋漓盡致,是九零年代最出色的電影配樂之一。這部一九九五年由 Mel Gibson 執導與主演的電影最後囊括了五座奧斯卡,不過 James Horner 令人詫異的空手而返。該作曲家等到二年後才因電影 TITANIC 得到補償。


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1-2 The Buddha then said to Bodhisattva Manjusri: “To the east of this world, past countless buddha lands, there exists a world called Pure Lapis Lazuli. The buddha of that world is called the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata, Arhat, the Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Wisdom and Conduct, Well Gone, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed One, Skilled Tamer, Teacher of Heavenly and Human Beings, Buddha, and World Honored One. Manjusri, when the World Honored Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata was practicing the bodhisattva way, he made Twelve Great Vows so sentient beings may have all their wishes fulfilled. They are:

佛告曼殊室利:「東方去此,過十殑伽沙等佛土,有世界名淨琉璃,佛號藥師琉璃光如來、應正等覺,明行圓滿、善逝、世間解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、 薄伽梵。曼殊室利!彼佛世尊藥師琉璃光如來,本行菩薩道時,發十二大願,令諸有情,所求皆得。

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Klassik Radio Zeitmaschine (古典樂台時光機) 10/11/24

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Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha

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XXX   是心聲,民怨得以宣洩

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