“Yet, if they should hear the name of the Medicine Buddha, they may abandon evil conduct, cultivate good deeds, and avoid descending into the wretched destinies. Even those who have descended into the wretched destinies because they cannot abandon evil practices nor cultivate good deeds, the marvelous power of the Medicine Buddha’s original vows may still enable them to hear his name momentarily, so that when their present lives end, they will be reborn in the human realm. They will obtain right views, be diligent, pursue right livelihood, and discipline their minds well and be joyful. They will then be able to abandon the home life to become monastics. They will uphold the precepts and regulations of the Tathagata without violation. With right views and extensive study, they will fathom the extremely profound meaning [of the Dharma], be free from arrogance, never disparage the true Dharma nor be companions to Mara (the demon). They will gradually cultivate the practices of bodhisattvas and swiftly perfect them.
若得聞此藥師琉璃光如來名號,便捨惡行,修諸善法,不墮惡趣;設有不能捨諸惡行、修行善法,墮惡趣者,以彼如來本願威力,令其現前,暫聞名號,從彼命終,還 生人趣,得正見精進,善調意樂,便能捨家,趣於非家,如來法中,受持學處,無有毀犯,正見多聞,解甚深義,離增上慢,不謗正法,不為魔伴,漸次修行諸菩薩 行,速得圓滿。