“The eighth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, if there are women who are extremely disgusted with the numerous feminine afflictions, and wish to abandon their female form, upon hearing my name, they will be reborn as men endowed with noble features, and eventually realize unsurpassed enlightenment.
“The ninth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, I will help all sentient beings escape from the demons’ net and free themselves from the bonds of heretical paths. Should they be caught in the thicket of wrong views, I will lead them to correct views, gradually inducing them to cultivate the ways of the bodhisattva so that they will promptly realize unsurpassed complete enlightenment.
“The tenth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, those sentient beings who are shackled, beaten, imprisoned, condemned to death, or subjected to countless miseries and humiliations by royal decree, and who are suffering in body and mind from such oppression, need only hear my name to be freed from all those afflictions, due to the marvelous power of my merits and virtues.
“The eleventh great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, if sentient beings who are tormented by hunger and thirst, creating evil karma in their attempts to survive, should hear my name, recite and uphold it, I will first satisfy them with the most exquisite food and drinks. Later, with the flavor of the Dharma, I will establish them in the realm of peace and happiness.
第十一大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸有情,饑渴所惱,為求食故,造諸惡業;得聞我名,專念受持,我當先以 上妙飲食,飽足其身,後以法味,畢竟安樂,而建立之。