
1-2 The Buddha then said to Bodhisattva Manjusri: “To the east of this world, past countless buddha lands, there exists a world called Pure Lapis Lazuli. The buddha of that world is called the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata, Arhat, the Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Wisdom and Conduct, Well Gone, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed One, Skilled Tamer, Teacher of Heavenly and Human Beings, Buddha, and World Honored One. Manjusri, when the World Honored Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata was practicing the bodhisattva way, he made Twelve Great Vows so sentient beings may have all their wishes fulfilled. They are:

佛告曼殊室利:「東方去此,過十殑伽沙等佛土,有世界名淨琉璃,佛號藥師琉璃光如來、應正等覺,明行圓滿、善逝、世間解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、 薄伽梵。曼殊室利!彼佛世尊藥師琉璃光如來,本行菩薩道時,發十二大願,令諸有情,所求皆得。


The first great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain unsurpassed complete enlightenment, my body will shine forth brilliant rays, illuminating infinite, countless, boundless realms. Endowed with Thirty-two Marks of the Great One and Eighty Auspicious Characteristics, I can enable all sentient beings to become just like me.


The second great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, my body will be translucent inside and out, like lapis lazuli, with brightness and flawless purity. This great, radiant body will be adorned with superlative virtues and dwell peacefully in a mesh of light more magnificent than the sun or moon. The light will awaken the minds of all beings dwelling in darkness, enabling them to engage in their pursuits according to their wishes.

第二大願:願我來世,得菩提時,身如琉璃,內外明徹,淨無瑕穢;光明廣大,功德巍巍,身善安住, 燄網莊嚴,過於日月;幽冥眾生,悉蒙開曉,隨意所趣,作諸事業。

The third great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect enlightenment, with infinite wisdom and skillful means, I will enable all sentient beings to obtain inexhaustible goods so that they will never again lack anything.




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